venerdì 23 dicembre 2011


Still a bit of stomach ache...I hope it'll pass within Christmas
Because I'm planning to eat like a starving pig and I don't want to behave due to pain...
The usual tea and bread with raspberry jam for breakfast

Vegetable puree with a bit of crispy focaccia. Lot of salt on it but it's not greasy at all, so it should be ok
Then few bites of plaice flatfish with curry vegetables
And just a tiny bit of white chocolate with strawberry. Just for testing!

Another caloric bite for testing a new recipe: banana and choc jam
I shall taste for testing!

Light dinner. I wanted to avoid meat today but my mom kept a bit of her roasted chicken for me
And I added one boiled artichoke

4 commenti:

  1. Buonooo il cioccolato bianco alle fragole! Aspetto trepidante il pranzo di Natale!!!

  2. Mi uscirà un post con 173209 foto, mia mamma sta cucinando per un reggimento! Pure la cena di Vigilia! Beccateveli ora i manicaretti perché dopo saran brodini e potine! Ahi ahi ahi! Te che farai a Natale?

  3. Idem, pranzo coi miei, una festa per la mia gastrite! Speremo ben! Augurissimi Elisa!!

  4. Buon Natale! Ci sentiamo più gonfie! :)
